Kura-Kura Bus: A New Way to Travel in Bali

by - 9:53 AM

My Turtle Bus - Kura-Kura Bus

Two weeks ago, Sharon and I were travelling to Bali for around a week. Since we can't drive motorcycle and rented a car for a week was consider expensive, then after we spent our first day walking tour from Kuta - Legian - Seminyak, we decided to use Kura-Kura bus service, a new pubblic shuttle service in Bali. In english, Kura-kura means turtle, I don't know why they use it name, maybe because they have several stops and they walk slow? or maybe because it near beach and turtle was the animal that have connection with the beach *silly opinion*

Here are 5 things why you should try hop on Kura-Kura Bus/ Kura2 Bus:

1. Route
Map route/ kura2bus.com

Although it considered as a new public shuttle service, but Kura kura bus already has 8 routes around Bali and mostly on central and south Bali ; Kuta line, Legian Line, Seminyak Line, Sanur Line, Jimbaran Line, Pecatu Indah resort line, South Nusa Dua line and Ubud Line. They next route will be Nusa Dua line and it will launch soon. Most of the bus stops are well known hotel, so if you will stay at one of the hotel that has kura-kura bus stop you can easily wait for the bus on the lobby or you can walk to another destination that reachable from the hotel. Psst several famous places and 5star hotel become kura – kura bus partner such as: Waterbom Bali, Seminyak Square, Ayana resort, Le Meridien, Grand Hyatt and many more.

2. Time Schedule
time schedule/ kura2bus.com click to enlarge

Kura-kura bus time table has a lot of bus schedules for a day. For Kuta and Legian line, Kura-Kura shuttle will arrive every 30 minutes, (well except for traffic hour). For another line, shuttle has schedule from 4 up to 11 times daily. If there's any issue on some line, they will inform the passengers via twitter or other social media account or you can directly ask to kura-kura staff in ticket booth. This is the most important thing that's why I chose this service.

3. Fare and Payment
Left: Coin for single journey, Middle : Value card and 1 Day pass
Right: My card for 3 day pass

Each line has a flat fare for a single journey, all line excluding Seminyak Line connect through Galleria DFS Bus Bay. For Kuta, Legian and Seminyak Rp 20.000, Sanur and Jimbaran Rp 40.000, Pecatu Indah Resort Line and South Nusa Dua Line Rp. 50.000 and Ubud Line Rp. 80.000. They use a coin in different colors for each amount.

For multiple trips on all line you can also choose Value card, there are 100k, 200k, 300k and 400k cards. You can also topup this value card from 100k up to 500k on Dfs bus bay or ticket booths.

For unlimited travel on lines, you can choose Day Pass like we did. We chose 3 day pass simply because I just have 3 days left that day LOL. There are 1, 3, 5 and 7 Day Pass available on Kura-kura bus. One day is calculated 24 hours from the first time you tap the card into the device. Dont forget, they also have 20K refundable card deposit. Choose your payment wisely, if you only need a ride to your hotel, you better choose the single trip coin.

payment devices, left : tap card device, right: coin box for single trip

4. Shuttle
shuttle types/ kura2bus.com

There are 3 types of bus on Kura-kura bus service. Medium bus (29 seats), Long mini bus (15 seats), and short mini bus (12 seats). Hey look at their eye catching shuttle service design, turtle on the road!

5. Features
Kura-kuba bus has several onboard facilities, such as; Wifi, Electric power socket, LCD video and Audio voice announcement system for route and bus stops info.

For solo traveler or duo traveler this service is really worth it and useful, moreover for a restaurant hopper like me and Sharon did. Fyi, a taxi fare from Kayu Aya (Seminyak) to Our hotel in Kuta was around 60K one way and if we did this almost every time then I don't think my money would be enough for airport tax payment and Damri Bus on my way to home hahahahah.

Here are some tips from me:
1. Make sure you arrived about 5 to 10 minutes before the schedule to prevent you from missed the bus.
2. If you want to transit to another line, make sure you have enough time to travel from your place to DFS Bus Bay, or you can ask the driver whether you can catch it or not. In my case, when I want to travel to Ubud, I hopped on shuttle from Grand Inna Kuta at 8:41 and I asked the driver that we have to catch 10 am bus from DFS to Ubud, and he informed the office to wait for us :)
3. Somehow their normal seat didn't comfortable for a long journey trip, so if you travel to Ubud better you take the rearmost seat for a better seat.
4. Ask the driver if the electric socket didn't turn on.

    Last but not least I have to say thank you to Kak Nathalie, she was the first person who introduced me with this service.

    For further information you can visit their web

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    1. Wah, asik banget sekarang ada moda transportasi seperti ini di Bali .. Nice info, Kak Meiii .. ;)

    2. wahhh kereeen nihh gak bingung lagi kalo mau keliling di Bali :D

    3. Lumayan ya kalau pengen hopping on off cafe2 gitu :))

      1. iyah, aku paling sering turun di Seminyak Square atau Bintang Supermarket buat mampir coffee shop atau resto-resto gitu kak

    4. Wuih keren deh Bali :)
      Aku sih tetep naik motor Mei kalo pergi berdua hahaha :D

    5. Wah, lucu juga mobilnya. Boleh nih dicoba nanti kalau ane ada kesempatan jalan-jalan ke sana kaya ente sist ^^

    6. boleh dicoba sesekali... tp tetep lbih murah sewa motor ;p

      1. nah itu masalahnya kak, aku ga iso bawa motorr :(

      2. iya nih.. pngn nyobain rasanya.. pasti seru banget ;)

      3. iya mantab nih kak bisa d coba skalikali nih bus kura nya xD

    7. hi mei. salam kenal.. wahh. seru bngt yahha ada si kura2 bali ini.. kalau dari airport gt, belum ada yah? since they only put DFS bay gt di map.nya.. hehe..

      1. Hi Jenita, nah itu dia yang aku juga sayangkan. Tapi memang saat ini belum ada rute ke Bandara :(

    8. aaaakhirnnyyaaa bali ada transportasi kece beginiii.
      #cariTiketKeBali aaah

      1. hihihi iyaa lucu yah, sayangnya tempat duduknya kurang nyaman sih kak :(

    9. Satu lagi pertanyaan ini shuttlenya on time ga?

      1. kalo trafficnya normal on time mii, tapi pas Kuta ama Seminyak macet sihh waasaalaam :)) :)) aku malahan pernah kejebak macet pas di shuttle nya ahahahah

    10. wuahhhh!! baru tau ada bus pariwisata lucu di Bali...

      Keren mei! *two thumbs up*

      1. aku juga pas mau berangkat kemarin baru dikasih tau kak Nathalie, hihihi seneng banget ada yg lucu-lucu gini, makanya jadi nyobain naik deh

    11. Kmrn sempet liat brosur nya di beach walk trus liat harga nya lumayan juga. Kalo gw karna selalu pergi rame2, yaa mending sewa mobil avanza aja murah cuman 170/24 jam lepas kunci :-)

      1. iyah bener, kalo lebih dari 3 orang better nyewa mobil sih menurut aku :)
        tapi kalo kebetulan sendirian atau berdua dan ga bisa bawa motor, ini salah satu option lebih baik daripada taxi hohohohoho

      2. Bener kak... aku yang gak tahu jalan ini perlu sekali naek travel ini...

    12. aduh kemarin di bali mau nyobain ini pegel nungguinnya bok, akhirnya balik lagi naik Bluebird ajah lagian deket2 juga jaraknya.
      Eh tukeran link dong bow...

      1. ahhahah iyah kak, dibeberapa line dia ada jam-jam tersendiri tapi kalo Kuta, Seminyak sama Legian sih setengah jam sekali kok.

        Boleehh kakk, aku taruh di tempat ku yooooo

      2. hmmm mantab sekalii ini model bus kura-kuranya kaka ^^

    13. Hi Meidiana
      Terima Kasih telah menggunakan Kura-Kura Bus dan telah membagikan pengalamannya memalui blog pribadi kamu :)
      ada kabar gembira jika Nusa Dua Line akan dibuka dalam waktu dekat ini dan bila ingin ke ubud sekarang sudah bisa di booking online
      Kini website Kura-Kura Bus tersedia dalam 5 bahasa ! English, Japanese, Bahasa, Korean & Chinese

      1. wah Nusa dua linenya akhirnya launching mas? asikk jadi bisa ke The bay dongg :D
        ayo dperbanyak lagi armadanya, biar semakin nyaman dan jadwalnya lebih banyaak, sukses yaa

      2. wah keren banget mas.. bahkan sekarang tersedia 5 bahasa :D

      3. iya 5 bahasa itu uah banyak lohh ^^

    14. Wiiihh bisnya lucu..
      Kok gue nggak pernah liat yak ._.
      Musti dicobain nih..

      1. hihihi kemarin juga ngeh nya pas dikasih tau teman ada ginian, eh tapi sering juga sih ngeliat bis ini sliwerann

      2. Wah, Saya Belum Pernah Ke Bali nih :( Pengen banget naik bis asik itu :(

    15. kalau dari airport gt, belum ada yah? since they only put DFS bay gt di map.nya.. hehe :D

    16. wahh. seru bngt yahha ada si kura2 bali ini.. kalau dari airport gt, belum ada yah?

    17. Replies
      1. wah iya kak narta saya juga baru tau kalo itu kayaknya emng mengasikan :D

    18. Hahahahha.... kalau ke bali naik travel kira-kira butuh biaya berapa?
      Mahal nggak ya kira-kira?

      1. wah kalo travel saya kurang tau, belum pernah coba pake travel di Bali

      2. dulu sih beberapa tahun yang lalu aku naik travel ke Bali harganya gak mahal mahal banget hehe tergantung darimana dulu tapi xD kalau skrg mungkin uda naik harganya hihi

    19. Aku sendiri biasanya selalu pergi rame2, yaa mending sewa mobil avanza aja murah cuman 170/24 jam lepas kunci :-)

      1. iyah kalo rame-rame memang lebih murah sewa mobil mas, trus enakk yah jadinya bisa ke mana-mana

    20. Busnya lucu kakak :D
      rutenya juga banyak dan bakalan seru kalau bareng sama keluarga :D
      thanks infonya kakak hehe

    21. Busnya lucuuuu....... dikasih tips yang makin memudahkan untuk liburan, makasih kak ^ ^

      1. Haiii :) sama-sama makasih udah mampir ke blog saayaa

    22. seru banget busnya, tapi kalo travel ke Bali kayaknya masih mahal deh
      nice info..thanks

      1. iyah sekarag flight ke Bali dari jakarta udah ga ada yang promo banget nih *jadi ikutan sedih*

    23. Wahhh lucu banget ada kura-kura bus di Bali, jadi gak sabar ke bali lagi.. ^_^

      1. ihihi, nanti cerita-cerita yah seseruan naik kura-kura busnya :)

    24. Payment devices nya... kfreatif banget.... sumpak keren..

      1. iyah, seru banget tinggal tap tap, trus kartunya kalo ga mau dibalikin jadi bisa buat koleksi

    25. Wah, lucu juga mobilnya. Boleh nih dicoba nanti kalau ane ada kesempatan jalan-jalan ke sana kaya ente sist ^^

      1. hihihi, sekarang katanya udah nambah line baru kak

    26. Aku sendiri biasanya selalu pergi rame2, yaa mending sewa mobil avanza aja murah cuman 170/24 jam lepas kunci :-)

      1. iyah kalo jalan ke Balinya udah ber3 atau ber4 mendingan sewa mobil kak :)
        aku kalo bisa bawa motor mungkin lebih milih sewa motor, eh tapi males nyasar sih, mending order gojek sekalian hahahah

    27. Thx infonya sis, cuma sy mau tanya itu rutenya misalnya Kuta-Legian-Seminyak coinnya RP 20.000, itu maksudnya Rp 20.000 sudah all in 3 rute tsb atau masing2 pemberhentian 20.000 yah?

      1. itu harga persekali naik deh mas, lebih murah kalp beli 1 day pass sih :)

    28. Infonya sangat membantu,,kapan2 klo ada rejeki bisa nyobak nih satu keluarga :D


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    30. lucu banget kura-kura bus nya :D jadi pengen naik hehe

    31. heheh lucu banget dah, di kota saya belum ada loh bis kayak gini, : )

    32. wah kalau ini di kota saya mah, anak saya pasti seneng : )

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    35. very nice post. This is an Great Guide for Travel in Bali. I think this KURA-KURA BUS will be very comfortable for my journey,This Bus have many amazing features or services. It is an very valuable and interesting post also. loved to reading this article. Will someone help me to ensure safety of this Ride Sharing App in Bangladesh


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