A Glimpse of Auckland

by - 7:15 AM

I went to Auckland just 2 days after a big earthquake hit North West of Christchurch on Nov 14th 2016. At first I wasn't so sure about this trip, but I decided to keep my trip on schedule. However I have to change some of my itinerary and I cancelled my trip to South Island.

SkyBus Shuttle - It will take you to Airport from city and vice versa (N$18 one way) 

 some of lanes on CBD area already covered with Xmas knick knacks

 Sky City Tower - Icon of Auckland

 One of street art I have found in New Market

 One Tree Hill - One of my favorite area in Auckland, where you can meet sheep, cow and see Auckland city from above

posing in the middle of twin oak drive, One Tree Hill

 Parnell Village - themed shopping village

a trip to Devonport with ferry

beautiful view on Devonport

 Rocky Bay in Waiheke Island, you can reach Waiheke Island by ferry (35mins) and ride local bus to this area

BONUS PHOTO: One of beautiful corner in Hobbiton Movie Set (I will write separate article about this one)

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  1. OMG! langit birunyaaaaa...
    One three hill nyaaaaa..
    *jedotin kepala ke komputer*

    1. ehh astagaaahh jangan dijedotin kepalaanyaa *peganging kepalanya*

  2. new zealand ^o^!!! kota asal bungy jumping :D... tempat yg HARUS AKU DATANGIN nanti :D... enak banget sih kamu udh kesana... tiketnya jg jd jauh lbh murah kalo dr aussie ya

    1. aku hoki-hokian banget loh ini kak bisa sampe sini, meskipun musti menelam pil pahit ga bisa ke SOuth Island karena lagi minggu bencana dan masih belum stabil. btw yang bungy jumping di mananya sih? dari tower?

  3. Bersih teratur manja gitu yaaaa, kapan jakarta macam itu hehehe #Ngarep

    1. duhh pengen banget deh Jakarta rapii, biar bisa jalan-jalan di pedestriannya gitu

  4. Kpaan yah bisa jalan2 ke Auckland..hehe

    1. Aminnnn, semoga dalam waktu dekat bisa main ke Auckland yaaaa

  5. Lama ngga mampir ke blog ini, tiba-tiba udah ke Auckland :D Jadi pengen masukin Negara ini di tahun 2017

    1. hihihihi, iyaaaah sok masukin New Zealand di bucketlist, jangan lupa mampir ke South Islandnya, a trip to Queenstown is a musssttt

  6. Beautiful atmosphere and shoot especially Rocky Bay in Waiheke Island. Of course I'll be there. :)

  7. Meidiiiiiiiii T_T

    aku pengen juga jalan-jalan yang lamaaa dan gak dicariin gituuuu
    tapi abis itu bingung mo kerja apa x_x

    1. hahahahahaha, musti nyari kerja yg bisa work from home nihhh :( :(


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