Trekking to Hornby Lighthouse, Watsons Bay

by - 9:00 AM

Whenever weekend comes, the first thing come up in my mind is "Where should I go this time?" I rarely have day off on Sunday but when I get one, I really want to maximize the day. Another good news is Opal Card daily cap limit on Sunday only A$2,5, so I can travel quite far and it will just cost me A$2,5. 

Three months ago, my friend came to visit Sydney before she moved back to Indonesia. I came with an idea to visit Watsons Bay in Eastern suburb and she agreed. Watsons bay can be reach easily by ferry or bus from city and this area is part of Sydney Harbour National Park. I might say Sydney Harbour national park is a unique national park which located on 4 different area, Watsons bay, Manly, Mosman and Balgowlah height.

That was a quite hot day even the winter hasn't come to an end. It was good thing since we got a really blue and bright sky which is perfect for taking picture, but the bad thing was we still wear our heavy jacket, super wrong outfit hahahaha.

wrong outfit

Ferry from Circular quay to Watsons bay leaves from wharf 4 every 30 minutes. I would say trekking path to the lighthouse is level 1 since it was quite easy path unlike the one I've done in Palm beach.

If you come to Watsons bay around lunch hour, you can grab your lunch from some food store near the Ferry wharf. I had Fish and Chips as my lunch and some seagulls as my companion, what a perfect annoying lunch hahahaha.    

Fish and chip by the beach

 oops I visited nude beach by accident

1. Read sign correctly before enter some area, I was accidentally downhill to nude beach on my way to the lighthouse, hahahahahah when I realized, I quickly came back to the main road
2. See the weather forecast first, you dont want to get wrong costume
3. I bet you want to go to this place on Sunday since it will cost you A$2,5 on transport :) and you will save your money on ferry or you can take 324/325 bus from Park street, Town hall
4. Bring some water and snacks if you want to stay a while on the top, because there is no food stall up there and don't forget to throw your rubbish on trash bin provided

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  1. Waw,, that is beautiful.. amazing and I like it..
    (Maaf ya mbak bhsanya agak blepotan.. hehe..) I want to learn Write english language, buat not yet do it.. hehe..

  2. Berapa budget yang harus dipersiapkan untuk traveling ke sana ya Mbak?
    thank dan salam kenal

    1. hai salam kenal juga, btw kalo boleh tau ini perhitungannya mau dari mana ya? dari Jakarta/ Indonesia ke Sydneynya? atau dari Sydney ke Watsons bay?

  3. Itu langit biru nya cetarbanget, panas nya pasti juara

    1. hahahah iyaa, kalo lagi cerah langitnya super biru di Sydney. Kalo pas lagi terik juga bisa burnt tuh kulit kalo ga pake sunblock =,=

  4. drdulu masih kepengin untuk datangin nude beach :D.. ga kesampaian trs nih...

    fish and chipsnya yg bikin salfok Mei.. jam segini fish n co udh tutup pulak :p tapi kenapa sih fish n chips gini suka bgt diksh irisan jeruk gitu? maksudnya utk diapain? soalnya pernah coba diperes di ikannya ato di sausnya , malah jd ga enak :D

    1. mwhahahahah eh ga boleh kammuuu :P

      si irisan lemon itu biasanya emang diperes di atas ikan sama di tartar saucenya sih kak, aku suka tapi dikit aja, kalo di atas ikan katanya sih buat ngilangin rasa amisnya gitu

  5. itu lighthousenya boleh dinaiki nggak? ato cuma bisa foto di bawahnya saja?

    1. kayaknya kalo weekend ada guided tour deh di lighthousenya, cuma aku kurang tau nih, cuma dijelasin sejarah light housenya atau bisa naik ke atas juga :D

  6. This year resolution is to be fitter. Trekking seems like a fun way to do it :)

    1. Coastal walk nih berarti yang musti dieksplor, ayoo kapan lagi main ke Sydney, kabarin yaaah :)


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