Museum Angkut - Batu

by - 8:42 AM

Entrance of Museum Angkut with Monique as a Model 

On my trip to Malang last month, I only have half day trip in Batu-East Java, it located just 15km away from Malang. First thing came to my mind was, "where should I go?, what should I do?". Luckily, I had accompanied by three other friends, two of them are travel blogger, Debby and Halim. Finally we planned to visit Museum Angkut, a new opened museum which has transportation collections, from bicycles to motorcycles, horse-drawn carriage to cars from many countries and manufacturer.
One of showcase info with Ipad

As a new favorite museum in East Java, this place most likely always crowded by visitors everyday, even in weekdays. We planned to enter Museum after 2 PM in the afternoon to avoid the crowd. Unlike other museum, Museum Angkut used multimedia and hi-tech gadget to support information for visitors. This idea attracts visitor to read the detail of the showcase effectively. At the entrance gate we will find many signs that visualized the place as an airport, from "Departures sign", "Baggage drop sign" and "flight connection sign" and yes first room of the museum was designed with hangar style. Instead of finding a line or aircraft, in this hangar we will find a lot of old cars, motorcycles, bicycles and horse-drawn carriage. Well, there are a few aircraft replica hanging above the hangar.  

Previously, Harley Davidson produced bicycles
I want to ride this :D 

Children can do drawing activity inside the doubledecker bus

Want to drive this car? you need to open its door from the front
Do you see the door handle?

This museum has many areas to explore by the visitors and I still can't believe that I spent 4 hours to do a museum tour. Beside hangar area, there are Jakarta Area, Gangster city, Las Vegas, Italy, France, German, England and Hollywood. There are a lot of good photo spots, so make sure you bring your camera along, but fee for camera apply. If you hungry, there is fast food restaurant inside the museum, visitors are not allowed to bring food and drinks. This museum open daily from 12 PM to 8 PM. 

Hangar area

Welcome to Las Vegas

Let's catch the bad guy

photo collage of areas in Museum Angkut

Wanna come and explore this Museum?

Museum Angkut
Jl. Terusan Sultan Agus Atas No.2
Kota Wisata Batu - East Java

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  1. aku mau ke sini kaaakk.. huhuuw, jadwalnya waktu itu gak cocok sih...

    1. musti balik lagi ke Batu berarti Kak Indriiii :))
      aku aja belum kesampean nih mau ke BNS, jatim park 1 - 2 sama museum satwa, batu secret zoo, duh banyaaakk pokoknya

  2. wah jauh bgt di jawa timurr, pikir di daerah jkt.... :(:(

    1. iyohh ren, ini di Kota Batu hehehehhe
      eh tapi seru, misalnya 3 hari 2 malam di Kota ini tujuan wisatanya banyak lohh

    2. btw liat postnya kedua kali, baru engeh namanya 'Museum Angkut' di kota Batu.. dipikir museum 'angkut batu' -_- . Keren bingits tempatnya >.<

    3. hahaha iyahh, adanya di Kota Batu

      ayokk cuti yg agak panjang ke Indo nanti kalo aku ada waktu kita muter-muter Jawa renn

  3. jd ini replika ato bukan sih Mei? ke batu dec 2013 lalu museum ini blm ada...:( cakep bgt pdhl yaa

    1. mobil2nya asli kak, yang replika cuma kapal2 laut sama phinisi, eh yg pesawat ulang alik juga deh, akhir tahun ini ada tambahan museum anatomi juga di Batu, ihhh sebel yaaah kenapa g abikin di Jakarta atau Bekasi aja deh :((

  4. So far, the best museum yang pernah saya kunjungi. Areanya sangat luas, koleksinya juga banyak sekali. Ada parade mobil-mobil yang sangat menarik. Selain itu, juga menyajikan berbagai performance membuat pengunjung tidak bosan.

    foto2nya kerenn, sukak


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