Vivid Sydney part 1 - ( Opera House - Royal Botanical Garden )
It's been a week since the first day of Vivid Sydney. The event will be here from 27 May - 18 Jun 2016 and i'm so excited, well not only because it's my first Vivid experience but because I really love city light. Some of my friends said that Vivid installations are only worth to watch at Opera house and customs house Sydney, so last night I went to Circular Quay.
This June I am facing winter season in Sydney which is become my very first experience. As a girl who came from tropical country, it wasn't easy and I always avoid to go outside during nights. Thanks God last night the weather was quite good, it was 16 degree and I decided to go to see this event.
This year, city of Sydney have some new spots join the hype of Vivid, some of those are Royal Botanical Garden with its Cathedral of lights and Taronga zoo with its be the light for the wild. Well, I think this night I will go to Taronga Zoo to watch those animal lanterns.
I have been bewitched by the illumination on Customs House building right after I hopped of from the train. I excitingly took a video of the illuminations and sent it to my brother, I knew he will jealous so bad.
After a nice walk from Circular Quay station to Royal Botanical Garden via Opera House, I finally arrived at Cathedral of Light installation. It has 70 meters length with thousands of LED light and I think it is become the most favorite installation during Vivid Sydney.
Follow my Instagram feed @meidianakusuma for new updates for Vivid Sydney and other amusing things in Sydney :)
WOW kereeen
ReplyDeletebanyak lampunyaa yah, aku sukaa
Deleteaduh... seru banget ya Vivid Syney ini! liat liat videonya di youtube apalagi, tambah bikin ngiler. xD
ReplyDeleteiyah kak seru ternyata, tapi kmrn aku susah bgt mau capture gbr yg bagus nih =,= ga ngerti setting camera buat low light hahahahah sama butuh tripod kayaknya
Deletecakeeep banget Mei ^o^...ini acara tiap tahun diadain kah?kalo iya selalu di awal musim dingin?
ReplyDeleteiyah ini tahunan acaranya kak Fanny, biasanya di akhir Mei sampai Juni sih katanya
DeleteKonsep acaranya keren, opera house disulap menjadi lebih menarik dengan varian lampunya.
ReplyDeleteSalut deh dengan Sidney.
iyah kak, cantik jadinya, tapi sayang banget kamera aku odong :))
Deletejadi blur mulu kalo foto opera housenya =,=
Jadi kalo mau liat beginian mesti mei juni yaaa
ReplyDeletebetuulll, jadi Mei Juni tahun depan main kemarih yaah kakcuumm
DeleteCakep banget! yang katedral paling keren ya..
ReplyDeleteterus kebayang.. sebanyak apa energi listrik yang digunakan buat ini semua ya? kalo ada tim Earth Hour mungkin udah nangis darah ngeliatnya :P
Btw, tulisan Bahasa Inggris-mu makin bagus, Mei! :D
huwaaaa I'm so flattered kak :')
Deleteiyah sekarang agak nekat nulis pake bahasa inggris, ahhaha nanti rencananya kalo bikin artikel yang di Indonesia juga gitu. Kadang ga fokus sama grammatical lebih ke enak ga ya ini kalimatnya kalo dibaca :)) :))
Btw di sini mah tiap minggu sering buang2 uang banget, ini baru LED light yang project 3 minggu . Di Darling Harbour tiap hari sabtu ada kembang api yang ratusan juta gitu untuk tiap event, uangnya dari pajak di sini katanya ahahahah gak heran pajaknya tinggi
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