3 Interactive Museum or 3D Art Museum in George Town, Penang

by - 10:15 PM

While another city might only have one 3D art museum, you will shock with this city. I tell you guys, George Town not 1 or 2 but it has 3 interactive museums or people more familiar with this place as 3D Art Museums. Those are MIPIM (Made in Penang Interactive Museum), Penang Amazing World Studios, and Odeon.

Since 2008 George Town - Penang was awarded the title of World Heritage Site and was listed under the category of Cultural Heritage by UNESCO World Heritage committee. This city were recognized for the living multicultural heritage communities and architectural treasures. 

Previously, tourists who visited George Town would love to explore the city and hunt for wrought-iron caricatures with anecdotal descriptions of the streets. Today, beside those famous wrought-iron and street art throughout the city, people might also want to visit these interactive museums.

1. Made in Penang Interactive Museum
This museum was the first Trick art or 3d art or interactive museum in George Town. All of paintings inside the museum adapted Penang heritage and architectural. There is miniature section in this museum that shows local market, those miniatures are mad by artist Mr. Khoo Chooi Hooi, he even put himself on some of his works. Made in Penang museum is located at 3 Weld Quay and if you want to visit it, you can simply hop on to Penang free bus and alight at Weld Quay street stop, near Church street pier. Entrance fee for tourists is RM 30 for adult.
source: https://www.facebook.com/MadeInPenang

2. Penang Amazing World Studios

Now, we're heading to the second museum that located just beside the first museum. This entrance was hypnotized me at the first time with those colorful canopy outside, but too bad I came too early. This museum is officially open for public since February 20th 2015. What makes this museum different from the previous one? well, this museum also has paintings which shows Penang's Heritage and Cultural. But this museum is cooperating with several world famous cartoon, such as The Flintstones, Scooby Doo, Tom & Jerry, Warner Bros even super heroes like Superman and Batman and that's why kids will love to visit this place. Beside the wall paintings, this museum also has 3D printed robot showcase. Ticket price for tourists is RM 30 (adult) and RM 20 (child), oh I can't wait for my visit to this museum later this year.
source: https://www.facebook.com/penangamazingworldstudios

3. Odeon - The Interactive Museum 

This is the newest Interactive museum and located in the middle of Georgetown. Previously, Odeon itself was a name for cinema building in Penang Road then transformed to this interactive museum today. What make's this museum different from other? It displays BLACK an WHITE 3D art cartoon and comic, yess most of the pictures in this place are comic conversation which only have black and white colors, similar with those wrought-iron caricatures.After you take a picture inside this museum, I bet you want to transform it to black and white picture first before upload it to your social media. It located at 130 Penang road.
source: https://www.facebook.com/odeonpenang
So which one of these museums you like the most?

For your information, if you use Penang Hop On Hop Off, you can alight at Stop no 13 (Cruise) for Made in Penang Museum and Penang Amazing World Studios and either Stop no 16 (Blue Mansion) or stop no 9 (Chowrasta) for Odeon Penang.

Follow twitter account @geretkoper and Instagram @meidianakusuma for the newest travel info from me and other travel and food pictures

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  1. Museum yang melibatkan pengunjung akan memberikan pengalaman yang lebih membekas karena koleksi yang ditampilkan digunakan langsung oleh para pengunjung, dengan kata lain diaplikasikan dalak bentuk perbuatan. Jelas lebih membekas, jika dibandingkan dengan penampilan koleksi dalam kotak kaca, terkesan jauh, tak terjamah, cuma bisa dipelototi dan dibayangkan tanpa dapat diaplikasikan dalam suatu tindakan. Metode interaktif ini, agaknya, perlu untuk diadaptasi dalam pengelolaan museum di Indonesia.

    1. hai Garaa, iyaah museum yang semacam ini emang kece banget yah, aku jadi inget museum of regalianya Bangkok, mereka lebih sophisticated loh, setiap pengunjung dikasih brosur yang ternyata di belakangnya ada barcode. Nah kalo Barcodenya itu ditunjukin kebeberapa komputer atau kamera di spot-spot tertentu nanti ada film atau cerita yang keluar dari layar gitu, kecee

  2. Ahh kupikir dirimu udah ke sana semua, Mei... baru ngeh setelah lihat gambarnya bukan dari hasil jepretanmu hehehe. Cepet buruan ke sana mumpung ada tiket promo AA ^^

    1. ahahahah Maret kemarin mau mampir, pas banget promo yang Penang Amazing world studios abis sehari sebelumnya, aku telat taunya. Insya allah Oktober balik lagi ke sini

  3. Whot Penang ada hoop on hoop off keren banget. Belum pernah ke Penang jadi pengen

    1. iyah dan Penang HOHOnya juga nyaman banget, tempat-tempat pemberhentiannya juga strategis :3

  4. Replies
    1. Bangeett hahahahahah
      sekarang sih orang-orang foto di museum ini pasti langsung deh tuh upload ke IG atau path hahaha

  5. seru banget yah Mei. duh jadi pengen kesana *cek harga tiket*

    1. ayooo dicek, airasia sering kok promo Jakarta-Penang, dan fyi saat ini cuma itu loh satu-satunya airline yg punya direct flight Jakarta - Penang, cmiiw

  6. Yang gw ingat dari penang ini cuman kuliner nya aja hahaha

    1. ahh syebel, waktu aku ke sana sendirian sih, jadi ga bisa icip kuliner banyak omcumm huhuhuhuhuh

  7. Penang world amazing studios ini menarik, ah kapan aku bisa kesana yak hahaha

    1. iyah warna-warni, aku suka banget sama displaynya, bahkan di ruang ticket counter ada hiasan menggantung kece

  8. ahhh mao ikut kamu ke Penang doooonk bulan Oktober, boleh gaaaak?
    kalo tanggalnya pas langsung cuss deh akuuuu


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